American Classical Hymns

Metrical Index

Every tune in this anthology appeared in its original source with an indication of the poetic meter it accommodates. These indications take a range of visual forms, and are occasionally erroneous. Such inconsistencies are not documented below, this index being geared toward practical use by modern performers. Metrical indications are here brought into alignment with modern custom, and each tune is matched with the meter it actually accommodates.

Some tunes appear twice. Mozart’s AETOLIA, for instance, is equipped with a Common Meter (i.e., 86.86) text in its original publication, but with the last two lines repeated. It appears in this index under “C.M.” (in acknowledgment of the compiler’s conception), but also under “86.86.86,” which it also accommodates.

C.M. (86.86)

Mozart, AETOLIA (1819)
Mendelssohn, ALLEPPO (1852)
Mozart, AMHERST (1832)
Mendelssohn, ANGELLO (1852)
Mendelssohn, BALTIC (1854)
Haydn, BARTLETT (1854)
Beethoven, BELKNAP (1852)
Schubert, BENEDICT (1852)
Beethoven, BONN (1852)
Gluck, BOSWELL (1850)
Bellini, BROOKFIELD (1853)
Haydn, BROUGHAM (1849)
Mendelssohn, CANDIA (1852)
Mozart, CILICIA (1819)
Beethoven, CROYDON (1852)
Schubert, EBLIN (1850)
Mozart, EPHESUS (1819)
Schubert, EWTON (1850)
Weber, GOPHER (1838)
Haydn, GUIDANCE (1852)
Beethoven, HYDASPES (1819)
Mendelssohn, KIMBALL (1842)
Beethoven, LOUVAIN (1844)
Weber, LOVE DIVINE (1833)
Beethoven, MARATHON (1819)
Haydn, MAYENCE (1821)
Haydn, NAXUS (1819)
Mozart, OVA (1850)
Haydn, PARADISE (1843)
Mozart, PRENTISS (1842)
Haydn, RUTHFORD (1850)
Haydn, SALTZBURG (1850)
Mozart, STOUGHTON (1853)
Haydn, THOMPSON (1854)
Mendelssohn, VIOLA (1855)
Haydn, VOLGA (1852)

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Bellini, BELLINI (1843)
Mendelssohn, BERLIN (1850)
Haydn, CHARLES (1850)
Mozart, COLEBROOK (1832)
Schubert, CRANBY (1850)
Gluck, CYDNUS (1850)
Mozart, DUNGENESS (1822)
Mendelssohn, ELIJAH (1848)
Beethoven, GAULOS (1836)
Haydn, HAYDN (1844)
Bellini, LASHA (1836)
Mozart, MERRIMAC (1832)
Gluck, STEARNS (1850)
Haydn, THE LORD OUR GOD (1818)

L.M. (88.88)

Haydn, ACTON (1843)
Gluck, ADDA (1850)
Beethoven, ALEXANDRIA (1844)
Schumann, ALLAN (1850)
Haydn, ALLENVILLE (1852)
Beethoven, AMLIN (1841)
Beethoven, Andantino Lamentivole (1857)
Beethoven, APTHORPE (1850)
Mozart, ARGOS (1819)
Beethoven, ARGYLE (1846)
Rossini, BALDWIN (1850)
Haydn, BARBAULD (1846)
Haydn, BELCHERTOWN (1838)
Donizetti, BIDELL (1854)
Haydn, BROMLEY (1819)
Haydn, BUTLER (1853)
Mendelssohn, CAREW (1850)
Haydn, CADIZ (1850)
Mendelssohn, CHERRY VALLEY (1856)
Beethoven, COPE (1853)
Beethoven, CORNING (1844)
Mendelssohn, CROWNING WREATH (1849)
Bellini, DAMASCUS (1853)
Weber, DEERFIELD (1838)
Beethoven, DE WITT (1850)
Mozart, DWIGHT (1844)
Schumann, EDWARDS (1850)
Mendelssohn, ENLEY (1850)
Mendelssohn, EUSTICE (1849)
Haydn, FLINT (1833)
Haydn, FOLSOM (1852)
Beethoven, GANGES (1819)
Haydn, GAZA (1819)
Haydn, GEORGETOWN (1822)
Haydn, GLORY (1819)
Gluck, GREECE (1819)
Mozart, HAMDEN (1822)
Mendelssohn, HARTFORD (1850)
Beethoven, HARVEST (1848)
Haydn, HAYDN (1821)
Mozart, HERMANSTADT (1850)
Mozart, IVES (1843)
Mendelssohn, LADE (1841)
Schumann, LEDNOR (1850)
Beethoven, LEON (1850)
Mozart, LEVANT (1856)
Gluck, LINDEN (1856)
Beethoven, LYON (1843)
Haydn, MALONE (1845)
Mendelssohn, MARINA (1849)
Schubert, MARLON (1846)
Mendelssohn, MELLEN (1853)
Mendelssohn, MENVILLE (1850)
Beethoven, MILMAN (1850)
Haydn, MILTON (1822)
Mozart, MOZART (1836)
Beethoven, NAVARRE (1845)
Haydn, No. 21 (1844)
Mozart, No. 25 (1844)
Beethoven, No. 28 (1844)
Beethoven, No. 29 (1844)
Beethoven, No. 30 (1844)
Beethoven, No. 31 (1844)
Beethoven, No. 32 (1844)
Weber, OBERON (1853)
Mendelssohn, OLIVER (1850)
Mozart, ONTARIO (1845)
Mozart, OWENS (1822)
Haydn, PASTORALE (1811)
Beethoven, PHILADELPHIA (1853)
Haydn, PHILISTIA (1819)
Beethoven, PROSPECT HILL (1853)
Mendelssohn, PSALM 50 (1852)
Beethoven, REDEMPTION (1850)
Haydn, SCUDDER (1838)
Weber, SCUDDER (1850)
Beethoven, SEBAGO (1853)
Beethoven, SIDWELL (1850)
Haydn, SOUTH STREET (1822)
Beethoven, SOUTHWARK (1844)
Mendelssohn, SPINOLA (1852)
Haydn, ST. EDMUNDS (1837)
Haydn, STODDARD (1838)
Mendelssohn, SWEETZER (1849)
Gluck, SYRACUSE (1819)
Mozart, THRACE (1819)
Beethoven, VIENNA (1822)
Weber, WATSON (1849)
Haydn, WINGATE (1853)
Weber, VON WEBER (1844)
Beethoven, WALTHAM (1822)
Mendelssohn, WASHINGTON (1853)
Beethoven, WESLEY (1851)
Beethoven, WESTON (1822)
Mozart, WHITE (1850)
Beethoven, WYMAN (1843)

L.M.D. (

Mendelssohn, ALEXANDER (1853)
Mozart, CAMDEN (1822)
Mozart, CRETE (1836)
Weber, DWIGHT (1850)
Haydn, FASSITT (1850)
Mozart, HARVARD (1850)
Mendelssohn, HYMN 37 (1852)
Gluck, LANCY (1850)
Mendelssohn, LEIPSIC (1850)
Beethoven, NIAGARA (1843)
Mozart, PERGA (1839)
Mozart, PSALM 86 (1852)
Gluck, ZINNEN (1850)

S.M. (66.86)

Mendelssohn, BONN (1848)
Gluck, BRIMMER (1850)
Beethoven, CANADICE (1844)
Beethoven, CHESTNUT HILL (1844)
Beethoven, CORFU (1845)
Haydn, DEDHAM (1838)
Beethoven, GORTON (1841)
Schumann, HAYTON (1850)
Mendelssohn, HOWELL (1845)
Weber, KÖRNER (1846)
Mendelssohn, LEIPSIC (1843)
Beethoven, LEONORE (1850)
Gluck, MALLION (1850)
Gluck, PALEY (1850)
Mendelssohn, PATOKA (1853)
Beethoven, TEXEL (1849)
Verdi, VERDI (1853)
Gluck, VOSE (1850)

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Mendelssohn, ATHALIE (1850)
Beethoven, BOWMAN (1852)
Haydn, BRADFORD (1838)
Bellini, HADID (1836)
Mendelssohn, KENSINGTON (1849)
Mendelssohn, MENDELSSOHN (1854)
Mendelssohn, RIX (1854)
Schubert, SALAMIS (1838)
Haydn, TABERNACLE (1838)


Mozart, NEW YEAR’S HYMN (1846)

Mozart, PEARL (1845)


Beethoven, PARKER (1850)


Mozart, OPORTO (1840)


Mozart, CORINTH (1819)
Haydn, THOMPSON (1850)
Haydn, TIRZAH (1819)
Haydn, ZION (1832)

Haydn, EDEN (1819)


Mozart, CHEERFUL HOPE (1830)
Haydn, GERMANTOWN (1838)

Haydn, BARRY (1836)
Haydn, DANIEL (1844)
Beethoven, FARLEY (1844)
Beethoven, GREENLAND (1844)
Mendelssohn, JERUSALEM (1846)
Mozart, LYMAN (1853)
Beethoven, MOUNT OLIVES (1853)
Schumann, PETRA (1850)
Haydn, RUSHVILLE (1844)
Schubert, VERDELL (1850)


Schubert, AVLEN (1850)
Mendelssohn, BARTHOLDY (1852)
Weber, CHATHAM (1832)
Haydn, HOLMAN (1850)
Weber, INVITATION (1833)
Weber, LANCASTER (1838)
Haydn, OFT AS SORROWS (1856)
Beethoven, OLIVE (1856)
Bellini, PILGRIM (1838)
Schubert, RHINE (1841)
Mozart, SEASONS (1821)
Beethoven, THYATIRA (1838)
Gluck, VANDERLIN (1850)
Mendelssohn, WIEN (1850)
Weber, WILMOT (1832)
Schubert, ZUNEL (1850)


Mendelssohn, HYMN 139 (1852)
Mozart, No. 77 (1844)
Mozart, WALES (1822)

Schubert, BEULAH (1850)
Mendelssohn, BRISTOL (1846)
Gluck, GLUCK’S (1810)
Haydn, HYMN 342 (1816)
Donizetti, INDIANA (1845)
Mozart, MIDDLETON (1830)
Haydn, READING (1846)
Mozart, RODMAN (1832)
Schubert, VENTLEY (1850)

Mendelssohn, BRISTOL (1846)
Mozart, MIDDLETON (1830)

Haydn, FUTURITY (1795)

Beethoven, BONN (1846)


Schubert, EWTON (1850)


Mozart, AETOLIA (1819)
Haydn, NAXUS (1819)


Bellini, BROOM (1845)
Mozart, DARTMOUTH (1850)
Schumann, EVNAL (1850)
Haydn, HARTFORD (1838)
Haydn, HAYDN (1852)
Beethoven, LAUS DEO (1821)
Mendelssohn, LEIPSIC (1849)
Mozart, RAHWAY (1852)
Mendelssohn, TRUST (1848)
Haydn, ZEUNER (1853)


Weber, BARDINE (1853)
Beethoven, CARMEL (1848)
Beethoven, No. 92 (1844)
Schubert, ZENLEY (1850)

Haydn, AMBROSE (1850)
Mozart, FLORIS (1826)
Mendelssohn, HAMBURG (1859)
Bellini, HARIM (1836)
Beethoven, No. 89 (1844)
Mozart, SMYRNA (1822)


Haydn, KEMPTON (1833)
Haydn, SCHOOL STREET (1836)


Beethoven, COPE (1853)
Bellini, DAMASCUS (1853)
Beethoven, DE WITT (1850)
Mozart, ELLIOT (1832)
Mozart, HAMDEN (1822)
Haydn, MILTON (1822)
Mozart, No. 38 (1844)
Weber, OBERON (1853)
Mozart, OWENS (1822)
Beethoven, PASTORIUS (1853)
Mendelssohn, PSALM 31 (1852)
Haydn, SALSBURY (1822)
Weber, SCUDDER (1850)
Weber, VON WEBER (1844)
Beethoven, WALTHAM (1822)
Schubert, ZELA (1850)


Donizetti, CHAPEL (1850)

Mendelssohn, BARONS (1854)

Gluck, HOREB (1819)

Beethoven, HAVRE (1822)

Mozart, AURORA (1856)

Mozart, No. 102 (1844)
Mozart, No. 103 (1844)

Mozart, GERMANY (1833)

Bellini, BALTIMORE (1838)
Haydn, No. 107 (1844)
Weber, WEBER (1838)

Mozart, WILLIAMS (1838)
