American Classical Hymns

Credits and Acknowledgments was conceived by Peter Mercer-Taylor, Professor of Musicology at the University of Minnesota, who developed its essays, musical scores, and ancillary materials, uploaded and processed the scores and recordings, and worked closely with the design team.

Mercer-Taylor’s work on this project was generously supported by a National Endowment for the Humanities—Mellon Fellowship for Digital Publication, and by a Faculty Development Leave from the University of Minnesota’s College of Liberal Arts. Research for the anthology was supported by the University of Minnesota’s Imagine Fund Grant Programs.

Nearly a quarter-century has passed since Mercer-Taylor took part in the Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts at Valparaiso University (1995-97), but this project marks, in many ways, a coming to fruition of his experience in the community he enjoyed there, among whose members Colleen Seguin, Alan Bloom, and Mark Schwehn bear special mention.

Website Design

This website was developed by a team assembled through the Digital Arts, Sciences, & Humanities (DASH) program at the University of Minnesota. Without their creativity, energy, and patience, it would not have come to be.

Project Lead

Cristina Lopez

Liberal Arts Technologies and Innovation Services (LATIS)
University of Minnesota

Design and Layout

Alyssa Miller

DASH Research Assistant
University of Minnesota

Anthology Database Design

Ben Schroeder

DASH Research Assistant
University of Minnesota


Jessica Abbazio

University Libraries
University of Minnesota

Kristi Bergland

University Libraries
University of Minnesota

Nancy Sims

University Libraries
University of Minnesota

Supporting Roles

Contributions made by a host of others are gratefully acknowledged. Their roles ranged from technical advice to administrative assistance to creative engagement to general well-wishing and beyond, but all in one way or another expressed belief in the project, and helped it along. Their ranks include Kathy Saltzman Romey, Sally and Josh Messner, Anabel Njoes, Tim Lovelace, David Mercer-Taylor, Andrew Crow, Danielle Fosler-Lussier, Anne MacNeil, Clancy Theade, Alexandra Brown, Randy Salas, and Beth Mercer-Taylor.
